Bullet in your head

by Made Of Hate

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 23, 2012, 1 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Bullet In Your Head

Song Author

Mike Kostrzynski

Tabbed by

Tabbed by Jacek Wierzbicki and Bartosz W�odarczyk


1st → Rythm Right
2nd → Lead
3rd → Rythm Left
4th → Percussion
5th → Bass
6th → Extra

File Size

119 KB




Jacek Wierzbicki This is the updated version. Origionally I tabed it in Drop-C tuning. I've changed it to D-Standard after asking the guitarist which tuning he uses. Bartosz W�odarczyk I added bass and percussion tracks and assigned overdub to lead track.